Mercedes-Benz of Annapolis
General 866-562-1312

Mercedes-Benz of Annapolis

Save Time and Money with Pre-Paid Maintenance

We all know the not-so-secret secret to a long-lasting vehicle is routine maintenance, but nobody wants the stress of paying out of pocket for those services. At Mercedes-Benz of Annapolis, it is possible to save quite a bit on your vehicle’s maintenance for the next few years. 

Did you know you can purchase a pre-paid maintenance plan anytime, even after buying a vehicle? 

  • Flexibility in Purchase: You can buy a pre-paid maintenance plan anytime, even after purchasing your vehicle. You can also choose from a variety of plan terms. Not sure if you’re going to keep your car for longer than a year or 2? No problem. You can opt for a 1 or 2 year plan. This offers flexibility for both new and existing vehicle owners.                  
  • Affordability and Discounted Plans: The plans offered by Mercedes-Benz of Annapolis are affordable and come with discounts. These plans range from 24 months up to 5 years, allowing you to choose a plan that suits your needs and budget.                                                       
  • Inflation Protection: Pre-paying for maintenance ensures that your plan's cost won't be affected by inflation. This means you'll be shielded from potential price increases in the future.
  • Vehicle Longevity and Reliability: Regular maintenance is crucial for extending the lifespan and reliability of your vehicle. By keeping up with routine maintenance, you're not only saving money in the long run but also ensuring your vehicle performs optimally.                                ​​​​​​​

The service team at Mercedes-Benz of Annapolis is available to walk you through different plans and services while answering any questions you may have. Contact us at 866-562-1312, visit our website, or stop at the dealership today to learn more!